Saturday, November 1, 2008

Dia de los Muertos classroom story

We celebrated Dia de los Muertos yesterday at school (I'm a Spanish teacher) and one of the teachers had an alter set up in her room where students could put up pictures of loved one who had passed away, as a way to respect the dead. I don't have my own room, so I couldn't do anything like that. So during my 9th period class, I took my whole class down to the other teacher's room because a couple of my students had prepared letters for their loved ones.

One girl had written a long letter to her "papa", who was her grandfather. She had also brought a photo of him from when he was young and in the Marines. The letter was absolutely beautiful!! The entire class was silent as she read her letter. She started to cry at the end and everyone was just watching her because it was just so emotional and moving. When she finished everyone clapped and she seemed very happy to have honored her grandfather in that way. It was such a lovely thing to see and I think that the class sort of bonded with her on a level that they could not have done had she not read that letter.

I'm not Catholic, but I think that the idea of remembering the dead is great for Dia de los Muertos.

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